Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Why can I not take criticism?

It has plagued me my entire life, and it's so silly. I either go off into an immature huff or if I'm intimidated by the person I practically burst into tears and get scared. Why, why is criticism such a pain for me? I wonder if there are any psychologists who have studied it before...

Oh, and for the girls, I'm looking for shoes. Can anyone tell me a good shoe store that's not Schuh or Office (or Louboutin, well, a girl can dream...(and don't worry, I know that's not a shoe store...)).

And I also feel really stupid. You know where you do things spontaneously and don't really think about the consequences, or you don't think there will be any? Well, I did something that I'd wanted to do for ages, but now I'm just like hmm....was it such a good idea after all?

And I'm getting scared about my exam results. Meh.

Oh, and did anyone see Life After People last night? It was pretty interesting. What scared me most was the whole lack of consciousness thing. There would be no-one to look at the universe and question it, or to listen to a bird singing and think about how beautiful it sounds, or no-one to laugh and appreciate creation. That made me really really sad. I hate what humans are doing to the planet. I wish it could stop right now. But I dislike not knowing enough about it to have a conversation.

Hmm...that seems to happen a lot to me. Have a conversation, end up feeling thick. Ok, I'm gonna go now. Seem to be in a rant mood.

Thanks for putting up with me!!


1 comment:

Lurch Kimded said...

Firstly some random quotes about the whole consciousness and the universe thing:

"The universe is run by the complex interweaving of three complex elements. Energy, matter, and enlightened self-interest."

"They are a mystery and I am both terrified and reassured to know that there are still wonders in the Universe. That we have not yet explained everything."

"Universe puts us in places where we can learn. They are never easy places, but they are right. Wherever we are, it's the right place .. and the right time. Pain that sometimes comes is part of the process of constantly being born."

"Then I will tell you a great secret, Captain. Perhaps the greatest of all time. The molecules of your body are the same molecules that make up this station and the nebula outside, that burn inside the stars themselves. We are starstuff, we are the universe made manifest, trying to figure itself out. As we have both learned, sometimes the universe requires a change of perspective."

"We believe that the universe itself is conscious in a way we can never truly understand. It is engaged in a search for meaning. So it .. breaks itself apart, investing its own consciousness in every form of life. <...> We are the universe, trying to understand itself."

"All around us, it was as if the universe were holding its breath, waiting. All of life can be broken down into moments of transition or moments .. of revelation. This had the feeling of both. "G'Quan wrote: 'There is a greater darkness than the one we fight. It is the darkness of the soul that has lost its way. The war we fight is not against powers and principalities, it is against chaos and despair. Greater than the death of flesh is the death of hope, the death of dreams. Against this peril we can never surrender. The future is all around us, waiting in moments of transition, to be born in moments of revelation. No one knows the shape of that future, or where it will take us. We know only that it is always born in pain.'"

aah, I love B5 so many fantastic quotes :)

Anyway, back to your post...

Criticism is never easy to take, and learning to take it is a lesson many of us never truly learn, or even realise we need to learn. I know that on a personal level I flutter between a desire for honest feedback and a fear of losing what self confidence I have by criticism.

All I can say is that we need to learn to be secure in who we are, individual's loved by friend's and family, and created by a God who reveals in our uniqueness and can't wait to see what we get up to next... although that sounds a bit trite... meh, its late, making it sound better is beyond me at the moment :)

On that note, I better call it a night, or is it morning?